DataMatch is a software program to help photographers communicate student and package information for Underclass, Sports, Proms & Dance Schools. This program was written by Century Color and is available at no charge. In order to provide your customers with personalized products like Yearbook CDs, ID Cards, Trader Cards, Magazine Covers, etc. you need to create a database. DataMatch allows you to enter information quickly and efficiently. DataMatch is a PC based program and can be networked to other computers within your system.
Check out our DataMatch Tips & Tricks
Let us do your Data Entry
For You!
DataMatch User Manual
Create a DataMatch Program
Install or update Datamatch
What is The Image Connection?
The Image Connection is a site for professional photographers to post their portrait images online. Whether you shoot seniors or underclass, in a studio or on location… the Image Connection is right for you. Once you’ve captured the images… just post online and we print and drop ship right to your customer
How does this grow my business?
The whole purpose of the Image Connection is to help you increase your portrait sales. Post online and let your customers shop anytime, 24/7.
In the case of underclass photography you are limited to the number of products you can offer the day of the shoot. With online posting you can offer a whole myriad of products ranging from canvas wraps to magnets.
Or maybe you’re looking for an easier workflow. Posting online allows you to shoot more and let us take care of the printing, credit card processing and shipping.
Posting online will give your customers the ease of ordering any time of day or night from the comfort of their home.